

"Wie Reinhardt mit dem souverän agierenden Kammerorchester alle agogischen Wendungen des in sich gekehrten Pianisten ohne auch nur die geringste Unstimmigkeit nachvollzieht, die vielen Dur-Moll-Eintrübungen – ohne gesteigerten Wert darauf zu legen – gewissermaßen einfach geschehen lässt, wie sie und das Orchester voraushören, was der phänomenale Trifonov denkt und sogleich seinen behutsamen Fingern signalisieren wird, ist schier unglaublich.
July 18, 2022 — Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
"In a wide-ranging program posing very different demands, [Ruth Reinhardt] made an impressive showing. Her animated podium presence, devoid of histrionics, affirmed a sturdy musical intelligence and emotional vitality. From start to finish, the musicians responded in kind.
June 7, 2022 — Musical America
"Reinhardt, a German conductor who has held posts with the Dallas Symphony and the Los Angeles Philharmonic, led both new works with evident assurance. But it was after intermission, in a vibrant, splendidly shaped account of Dvorák’s Fifth Symphony, that she truly showed what she could do. In particular, Reinhardt had a powerful success in one of the main challenges with Dvorák — how to retain his distinctively dark, heavy orchestral colors without letting the rhythms bog down. In the two outer movements especially, the textures sounded aptly rich, but Reinhardt’s sleek, physical podium manner kept things moving handsomely.
June 6, 2022 — San Francisco Chronicle
"Reinhardt put the same involved dedication to work on Dvořák as she had with the new works on the program. In this environment it became clear that she conducts in melodic phrases, not just in rhythm and expression. This gave her the opportunity to have the orchestra pause and slow down for the lyrical second theme of the opening movement, in the good old Leonard Bernstein way. As throughout the concert, the music shone admirably.
June 6, 2022 — San Francisco Classical Voice
"Dritte Frau im Bund an diesem „Debüt“-Abend mit dem Deutschen Symphonie-Orchester ist die Dirigentin Ruth Reinhardt. Sie hat sich zwei Raritäten des Repertoires herausgepickt, Mussorgskys duftig-klangmalerisches Vorspiel zur Oper „Chowanschtschina“, bei dem sie den Holzbläsersolisten voll vertraut und sich ganz darauf konzentriert, ihnen einen fein gewebten Klangteppich auszurollen, sowie Hindemiths deutlich robustere „Konzertmusik für Streichorchester und Blechbläser“. Die Schattenseiten der Industrialisierung scheint dieses 1930 fürs Boston Symphony Orchestra entstandene Werk zu beschwören. Die Musiker:innen des DSO lassen sich auf die herbe Modernität ein, spielen mit scharfkantiger Präzision, und Ruth Reinhardt erntet viel Applaus für diese ungewöhnliche Werkauswahl.
December 13, 2021 — Der Tagesspiegel
"Reinhardt knew how to meddle and deploy her gifts as an elegant, versatile and committed conductor in the search for expressive colors, carefully nuanced by the orchestra.
November 28, 2021 — Scherzo
"Signalons l’exécution fine et intuitive de la Toccata de Martinu interprétée avecune grande noblesse par Ruth Reinhardt et les musiciens bien inspirés de l’ Orchestre National de France.
November 8, 2021 —
"How she makes “music” with her body language, without neglecting the necessary information, is admirable.
October 25, 2021 — Saarbrücker Zeitung
"Die Entwicklung der thematischen Substanz dieser Werke, die kontrollierten und organisch fließenden Abläufe und die gute Ausbalancierung – all das spricht für eine große Souveränität: Da verbinden sich jugendlicher Sturm und Drang mit einer unerklärlichen Abgeklärtheit bei der “Steuerung” von Soli und Tutti.
October 22, 2021 — Die Rheinpfalz
"Reinhardt und das Funkorchester schürfen tiefer, lassen Haydns vorbildlos reiche Instrumentation, die Magie seiner Synkopen funkeln, zeigen sich auch aufführungspraktisch gut informiert, ziehen so einvernehmlich an einem Strang, wie es bei diesem Klangkörper vor nicht allzu langer Zeit noch keineswegs selbstverständlich war. Das schreit nach mehr. Nach mehr Haydn und nach mehr Ruth Reinhardt.
October 10, 2021 — Leipziger Volkszeitung
"The very finely modeled string figures in Handel’s Concerto grosso clearly showed how intensively the internationally renowned guest conductor Ruth Reinhardt has studied the gesture of this music.
September 19, 2021 — Goettinger Tageblatt
"It was instantly clear that she has much to say. Her leadership was crisp and musical from the first notes. Tempos were unrushed, and every phrase was thoughtfully shaped. She is clearly a rising star to watch.
May 15, 2021 — Cincinnati Business Courier
"Ruth Reinhardt repeatedly impressed as an incisive musician of real depth. On Feb. 22 at Bass Performance Hall, she was the Fort Worth Symphony’s guest conductor, and again the musical results were most rewarding.
February 23, 2019 — Dallas Morning News
"Ruth Reinhardt showed herself interpretatively sensitive to the wide variety of styles that the program demanded of her.
October 21, 2018 — bachtrack
"Reinhardt proved an adept accompanist in the Tchaikovsky, but the rest of the program made it clear that she also is a conductor with strong ideas of her own.
October 19, 2018 — The Seattle Times
"Ruth Reinhardt ist Assistant Conductor des Dallas Symphony Orchestra und begeisterte unlängst die Kritiker, als sie kurzfristig für Stanisław Skrowaczewski einsprang
October 17, 2018 — Impuls Festival
"It was Reinhardt, though, who stood out, not by overdoing anything, but by so fastidiously scaling, balancing and shaping the music. This was true throughout the concert: loving attention to detail without any fussiness, never allowing inherent urgency to slacken.
October 11, 2018 — Dallas Morning News
"The refreshing, young and extremely talented conductor Ruth Reinhardt made an immediate strong impression with a dramatic and nuanced performance of Antonin Dvorak’s Othello Overture, Op. 93.
September 30, 2018 — Herald Tribune
"Ruth Reinhardt, assistant conductor of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, led authoritative and musically sophisticated performances of a program she wasn’t even supposed to conduct. With gestures that always meant something, she delivered the goods Thursday night as if she’d been living with them for years.
November 17, 2016 — Dallas Morning News